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Three Steps Up On The Ladder to Creative Thinking

COnversations about COnnecting to Creative Thinking and Strategy

The mind of a creative professional fresh out of a mental health webinar brings a different perspective out in the open — not quite in the way intended. The best of plans never really follow the book anyway. Creativity is a seriously intimate affair that requires the curiosity of a child-like mind and the joy of the moment, which is easily forgotten when the limitations of adulthood become prime protocol in everyday life. What if the only solution was to burn your creative identity down to a blank page, and take a new journey up, slower and not necessarily safer? The ladder goes higher than a glass ceiling, it kind of schmoozes right up there with the light of the universe. Your purpose will be the savior that takes you on that journey up, up, and away, and often — you might find the first steps to recovering from the creative block are the hardest to master. Don't worry, you're in safe hands, and we're going to take baby steps.

Be aware — this requires an intention, a choice, and an unobjectionable set of ethics and rationales to make true headway. The truly creative overcome the everyday obstacles once they change not what's happening in the world, but transform themselves.

Set an expectation: Enjoy processes out of the linear models. Question everything. Curiosity is the key to joy. We know nothing and nothing is in control — adapt to situations or keep trying until you do. The universe hates a repeat offender.

Here's what I've learned so far in dealing with a series of blocks and locks in my creative journey.

Creativity Like A Kid


Nobody processes information the same way you do. Regardless, when all creativity seemed to have been near a fatal end something truly remarkable happened. A revolution by the youngest demographic changed history through art, social media and community activism. It taught me something that was missing in the process of regaining and subtracting creative habits — hope will keep creativity alive. You must persistently without fear of failure wake up every day to create new things and destroy what no longer works.

The last time I felt I was truly creative was when I was a kid, and lo and behold — so did many other of my colleagues. I will get back to this point below, but it looks like the first step is taking us towards something.

As a kid, one creative skill that truly helped me grow my way through complex ideas was to doodle my headless-chicken thoughts on a piece of paper — connecting each figure to the next with a mesh of words and arrows, bubbles and blanks. After many years, I picked up this habit once again with my clumsy confusion — and there the revival of creativity began, waiting for me where I left my creative spirit.

Master the mind-maps of every journey you want to carve out, it’s a plan with roots and branches, shelves and all the works. It can be broken down into a single striking question, or a categorical theme of life. In between, is your playground that connects a plan to creativity through language. Make language your new best friend — create nonsense out of mindmaps from everything you see and hear — and there in front of you will be a key of original connections that as unique as you are.

[Attachments for mind-maps here, use an example from the session. *update: I have misplaced by notebook, please check back in a few days]

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Break Like A Pattern


This is a short idea expressed with a large concern. As a design company, we sincerely ask everyone to notice patterns around you — in nature, in words, in every human expression.

Once you can identify, articulate, and extrapolate the pattern into meaningful information — creativity will start making sense. The governing patterns of life have a source — nature. What grows into it, can also be grown out of it. An important step in the journey is to break old habits in a painful detachment process, to grow up again — or grow back younger with a fresher mind. One thing they don't tell you about certain manufactured patterns is that they go out of trend when new information emerges. How often do you invigorate your inventory of patterns with new insights and ideas?

On this planet or inside your four walls, or even the entirety of the vast internet on a palm-sized screen: a sinister enemy is closing, setting your goals on flame. Delusion is the greatest pattern of behavior to break in the realities we are controlled by. Our patterns of language, inspiration and behaviors must be informed with the facts and rationale with clarity and simplicity. The basic units build — complexity degenerates. Contemplation requires peace. But find a pattern, and you’ve another footing in your second step on the ladder.

Find a new pattern everyday. Share it, express it. Be open to it. Science is your best bet.

Patterns that build the world, also dictate the flow of ideas, communication and information. Do you see yourself in these patterns?

Golden Ratio.
Fibonacci Sequence
Time and cosmology.
A Jamdani Saree
A circuit board
The map of the Bangladesh railway

So many patterns to discover, so little time.

Sounds Like A Meaning


Nothing helps to distract me harder than a great soundtrack. It manipulates certain feelings — and changes perception for a few minutes and yet, it’s the most useful trick in the toolbox of my creative arsenal. I could sell you all that you love and desire in a single soundtrack — because we can’t help find beautiful meaning in the patterns of sounds and words — music. Music gives life to culture and craft — an indication of the pulse of young blood.

The perpetual habit of every young mind finds its first taste of individual expression in the sounds and beats of their generation. We can’t escape its inescapable allure from the battle frontlines and sharing it holds special meaning for relationships. Being able to control the flow of music is your basic crowd control in the media which plays a vital role in shaping trends for a marketable chunk of the population. Here are 5 five basic insights which drive the music industry and why every creative professional has to be attuned to the tunes of trends:

01. Music as Identity: For Gen Z, music is more than just entertainment; it’s a core part of their identity. Many Gen Z listeners use music to express their individuality, with playlists and music choices often reflecting their moods, values, and personalities.

02. Streaming Dominance: Gen Z overwhelmingly prefers streaming platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube to discover and consume music. They favor curated playlists and algorithm-driven recommendations, which introduce them to a wide range of artists and genres.

03. Genre Fluidity: Unlike previous generations that were more likely to stick to specific genres, Gen Z embraces genre fluidity. They are less likely to categorize themselves by a single genre and more likely to listen to a diverse range of music styles, from hip-hop and pop to indie and lo-fi beats.

04. Social Media and Music Discovery: Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube play a significant role in how Gen Z discovers new music. Viral challenges, dance trends, and user-generated content can propel a song or artist to overnight fame, making these platforms crucial for music promotion.

05. Music and Mental Health: Gen Z is highly conscious of mental health issues, and many find solace in music that addresses themes of anxiety, depression, and self-reflection. Artists who speak openly about their struggles resonate deeply with this generation, making emotional and vulnerable lyrics particularly impactful.

The last point is deeply striking — I started with mental health and it's the most crucial state to address for a creative block. All I can say is this — your creative prowess is an indicator of the health of your mind. Stay happy, and enjoy every day. Don't worry about tomorrow — everybody is on the same page of uncertainty. Reset your daily clock to 24 hours and live in the moment to create and connect. And when there's nothing left, go back to the start and begin with your ABCs.